Family Fest Barbados Help, Hope, Healing, Happiness to Families Fri, 23 Jun 2023 23:47:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Family Fest Barbados 32 32 When Women Cry, a Nation Listens: Recognising the Power of Female Emotion Mon, 19 Jun 2023 20:54:56 +0000 Emotions are an integral part of the human experience, and women, in particular, have been stereotypically associated with heightened emotional expression. However, the notion that women's tears are merely a sign of vulnerability or weakness is an outdated and misguided perspective. In recent times, the world has witnessed the power and impact of female emotions, as when women cry, a nation listens.

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Emotions are an integral part of the human experience, and women, in particular, have been stereotypically associated with heightened emotional expression. However, the notion that the tears of  women are merely a sign of vulnerability or weakness is an outdated and misguided perspective. Our societies have often witnessed the power and impact of the emotional cries of women. This article explores the significance of women’s emotional expression and how it has catalysed positive change in various spheres.


A Shift in Perception

Historically, women’s emotions have been dismissed or undermined and often categorised as irrational. For years, this has typically caused them to feel guilty, for fear of being seen as manipulative. However, this perception is changing somewhat, as society recognizes that openly showing emotions can be effective in alerting and uprooting serious underlying issues. Men are encouraged to utilise this powerful characteristic in dealing with their own issues too, but a topic for another time.  Women, with their ability to express empathy, compassion, and vulnerability, often bring their unique perspective to social and political issues. Instead of viewing tears as a sign of weakness, let’s see them as a symbol of potential change, strength, resilience and sometimes, a cry for help.


The Power of Empathy

Women have always played a pivotal role in encouraging empathy and compassion within communities. When faced with societal injustices or human suffering, the general outcry from women and their persistence serve as a powerful catalyst for change. This can add much needed depth and expose the vilest of situations as they truly are – causing many to identify with victims in the process.  Whether it is protesting against abuse, agendas that target children, or speaking out against societal prejudices, their emotional response ignites empathy in others and compels action. The cries of women remind us of our shared humanity.


Breaking Chains and Encouraging Dialogue

More and more, women have been coming together to share unpleasant personal incidents they had kept quiet about, for fear of having to take the blame for the experience. This has been instrumental in challenging systems and encouraging open dialogue. By shedding light on personal experiences, including stories of general abuse, discrimination, sexual harassment, or injustice, women have initiated transformative conversations. Their tears have acted as a call to action, inspiring individuals and communities to confront deep-rooted issues and work towards creating a better society. 


Political Influence

In the realm of politics, female politicians are often able to connect with citizens on a profound level. Their compassion, ability to connect others with sensitive issues and general determination, usually rally support – reshaping policies and systems. Whether it be championing causes related to education, healthcare, or social welfare, female politicians use this gift to harness their emotions to drive positive transformation.


The Role of Media

In an age where media coverage has a significant impact on public opinion, crying women have garnered attention and compelled action. The media’s portrayal of emotional moments involving women has shed light on critical issues, frequently resulting in increased awareness and support. Through television interviews, documentaries, and social media platforms, tears have become a symbol of urgency, demanding justice and change.


Women in the Bible

There are various biblical examples of women whose compassion resulted in dramatic transformations. One great example is Queen Esther: In the Book of Esther, the Jewish woman Esther rose to power and ruled over Persia. She risked her life by going to her husband, the king, without being summoned, as was the custom then. This was against the law. However, when she learnt of a conspiracy to exterminate the Jewish people, they were saved from this plot thanks to her bravery and love for her people. And Esther spake yet again before the king, and fell down at his feet, and besought him with tears to put away the mischief of Haman the Agagite, and his device that he had devised against the Jews”. Esther 8:3


Another, found in Luke 7:36-39  speaks of Mary (a sinful woman), Martha’s sister and the brother of Lazarus. She owns a priceless object – namely an alabaster jar of scented ointment. She is overcome by Jesus’ presence and stands behind him crying. Using her hair to wipe away her tears from His feet would have been deemed improper in the context of the culture. The lesson here is the woman’s unorthodox actions reveal her enduring guilt, humility, and love for Jesus. She exhibits extreme vulnerability by giving away the most priceless possession she has in an effort to ask for forgiveness and a fresh start. Her sobs and the ointment come to represent her repentance, purification, and dedication.


Let us embrace the power of female emotions with a bit more understanding and move beyond the stereotypes associated with showing emotions. When women cry, a nation listens because their way of expressing their emotions can serve as a catalyst for change, encouraging empathy, dialogue, influence and hope.  By embracing and valuing women’s emotions, we can create a more compassionate and equitable society, where the collective power of empathy is harnessed to tackle any challenges that lie ahead. This superpower is indeed a blessing, as it teaches all how we can collectivey use it to conquer any issue and bring about help, hope, healing and happiness to many, with God’s help.


God bless! 

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My Family Sun, 21 Jun 2020 10:41:05 +0000 Family is a driving force behind who one becomes. What does that mean? I grew up as an only child in a single-parent household for the first ten years of […]

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Family is a driving force behind who one becomes. What does that mean?

I grew up as an only child in a single-parent household for the first ten years of my life.  I always felt less fortunate as most of my school mates came from the nuclear family household and in my mind, this was what “family” meant. It was way back then I determined that one day, I too would have a “real” family.  First, I’ll get married and then have two kids of my own, as I understood the loneliness one sometimes felt as an only child.

But as the saying goes, “With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone,” ― Oscar Wilde.  Don’t misunderstand me, because we must follow God’s commands for the ideal family. That is to say, I now have my own family which consists of my loving husband and two adorable children. Even though I would never trade them for anything, wisdom has taught me that family goes much further than that.

My Husband

Korey Kellman

Let me start with my husband, the God-fearing head of my household, whom God has established to take care of this family. He is the one who reels me in when my thoughts are way off base and believe me, sometimes, my thoughts are way out there. He is my voice of reason. The one who counsels me. He provides a listening ear when I say my thoughts out loud. Sometimes, his input is needed as my thoughts and reasoning have the same end result from time to time. He provides a different perspective; the one that causes you to put your finger on your lip slightly touching your nose and go “oh yeah.” Family is the voice of reason.

My Children

The Kellman children
Keira & Kovian

Now, my two children are the ones who keep me on the straight and narrow. I want them to be the best individuals they can be, always putting God at the centre of it all. To do that, I have to live a life that sets a fine example. After all, I must practice what I preach, so that whenever I am about to step out of line, I remember the blessings of God and the responsibility given to me of raising my children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Family keeps you on the Straight and Narrow. 

Amidst the nuclear family, I have learnt over time that family extends way beyond this.

I believe that some people cross our paths to be part of our lives.  These are the friends that become family.  They come from all areas of life, may it be church folk, work colleagues or old school mates, but my connection with these individuals is beyond what anyone could ask for. They get you and you get them.  They are the persons outside my nuclear family – and just like with my husband and my children, I can share my exciting stories, my hurts and my dreams with them. They are the ones who laugh and cry with me and carry me on their backs when I need to be carried. They pray for me and are genuinely happy for all my achievements.  The ones I can call at any time of day and are never too busy. My personal cheer leading team.  “Family supports and cheers you on.”         

This brings me back to my statement on wisdom. Wisdom has taught me that way back then, like a child longing for the “ideal family”, God had already blessed me with a family circle. I always had the voices of reason. I always had those who kept me on the straight and narrow. I always had the support I needed, and a group that was always there to cheer me on.  

Monica Wharton - Kellyann's mother

I had my mom – God knows I love this strong resilient woman; a Sunday school teacher who made sure I got to church and back home safely, and my school teacher, who knew my history and pushed me to be greater than my last family generation.  

All of these amazing persons helped to shape the person I have become today simply because they had a vested, unconditional interest in me.  They are “My Family!”   

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Core Values: Help, Hope, Healing, Happiness. Mon, 15 Jun 2020 15:15:19 +0000 Natural disasters, poverty, social and political problems continue to undermine many efforts of volunteer organizations and other agencies to arrest these problems. Family Fest was formed with a vision to […]

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Natural disasters, poverty, social and political problems continue to undermine many efforts of volunteer organizations and other agencies to arrest these problems. Family Fest was formed with a vision to create strong families by way of four pillars: Help; Hope; Healing and Happiness. This article looks at the first of these: HELP. It will touch briefly on some core elements to show how starting with the family will create a ripple effect to restore harmony and stability within our communities.   


When someone cries for HELP, what exactly does it mean? Let us first look at the definition described in the Oxford Lexicon: 

  1. Make it easier for someone to do something by offering one’s service or resources
  2. Serve someone with food or drink.

Certainly, these definitions suggest that the provider of the service and commodity must possess knowledge or awareness of the recipient’s needs in order to help. Performing acts of kindness require that we understand that these needs could range from the very basic to the more complex depending on the prevailing situation. 

What creates or drives a person to need HELP? Life experiences, loss of a job, illness; disability, physical and emotional abuse, forms of self-destructive habits such as substance abuse are all threats to a stable family environment. These will demand different remedies based on external circumstances or individual differences.

Girl with depression

An examination of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs shows us that one’s basic needs begin with the physiological until the highest potential of self-fulfilment is reached. To achieve all of this, one must be able to determine the type of help or support to be dispensed so that persons can graduate from one level to the next even as they seek to balance the complexity of their lives. 

Family Fest believes that the actualization of each of these begins with the family. Therefore, it will offer a problem-solving approach that pays attention to the well being of troubled families and provide them with strong moral, ethical and spiritual support. The first step in its mission offers HELP to address the threats that stop the family from actualizing these needs and consequently from helping our society to be a better place to live.

We have stated that HELP also speaks to a spiritual attribute that contributes to community building through strong families. Christianity instructs in Mathew 7:12 that “In everything, do unto others as you would have them do to you, for this is the law and the prophets.” The core values of Family Fest promote emotional and physical safety facilitated by a solid spiritual foundation. Therefore, helping others must not only be about solving a problem but it must also be about tuning up the internal morale to nurture that spiritual connection. Persons must be encouraged to help because it is the right thing to do.

 “Somewhere along the way, we must learn that there is nothing greater than to do something for others.” 

Martin Luther King Jr.

Practising small acts of kindness daily to help each other, builds strong connections within families. This extends into the wider society to cause a shared oneness. The impact of this behaviour is reciprocal as the giver and the receiver share the struggles and triumph throughout the experience to reach a desirable outcome. Mother Theresa advised: “Never worry about numbers, help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you”.  These are the ultimate goals of Family Fest.

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What Family Means to Me Sun, 26 Apr 2020 18:27:27 +0000 As I sat in my living room pondering this question, a million ideas were racing frantically in my head as I stormed my own brain for ideas for Family Fest.  […]

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As I sat in my living room pondering this question, a million ideas were racing frantically in my head as I stormed my own brain for ideas for Family Fest.  I had just shared a rather risqué photo in our family fest group chat that stimulated some jolly banter among the lighter hearted members. The act being as spontaneous as any of my personalities, immediately summoned other members to participate in the Family Fest In-house Photo Challenge.

The responses triggered a sense of happiness and comfort that had been stifled or quenched before. It is from this experience that I can now craft an answer to what family means to me.

Family are persons who connect, communicate and cooperate with each other for the common good.  They may or may not be biologically related.

Relatives, on the other hand, are biologically linked but may not connect, communicate or cooperate.  Other distinctions about family is that they love, laugh and lean on each other. The love shared can be either agape, phileo or even eros as in the case of husband and wife or can be a combination of all three.  This love is the bedrock of a successful family and it is the glue that binds them together through the good times and the bad.

Love fosters an environment where members can learn from each other through listening and feedback. When the love leads to more laughter than sorrow, the family dwelling is classified as a happy home.  Laughter is an important form of feedback in the communications network of the family. Laughing often is the medicine that keeps the joints and bones of the family well-oiled, healthy and happy.

Right Rev. Michael Maxwell (Bishop of Barbados) and family during the streaming of their Easter service from their home. A family that works and worships together

When happiness subsides, members of the family must be able to lean on each other for support and stability.  This support fosters continuity in the family. Though families will inevitably continue due to procreation, a lack of stability and support will ultimately erode its potential and legacy and eventually kill, steal and destroy it completely leaving no trace of its former existence.

Family means being intentional about its success and existence.  It means working in tandem with God who is the creator of the family, and downloading his predestined plans for us through prayer. From His template, we can formulate an all-inclusive plan of the family’s purpose, short, medium and long term goals, organisation, vision, mission, and future legacies even down to the third and fourth generations.  This plan must be done individually and collectively as a unit. Being this intentional can thwart unwanted fracturing and the spontaneous aborting of the family legacy. 

It is critical that we look at the Five Fs of Family: Faith, Fellowship, Fun, Finances, Freedom.  These can be used to create your unique family culture.

  • What do you believe as a family?
  • How do you fellowship together?
  • What activities do you participate in collectively?
  • How do you enjoy each other?
  • What does it cost to be a family and to live the way you would like to?
  • How does each member manage money?
  • How important is freedom to you?
  • What would you like to be free to do even as individual members of the family? 

These are just a few questions that can help to guide families as they navigate their own family journey.

May you be encouraged by this article to become more intentional about the success and continuity of your family.  May we determine to not just be related, but to be family! Be inspired, encouraged and empowered to make your family the very best it can be. 

We would love to hear your thoughts and perspectives on what family means to you.  You can comment here or forward your submissions to

Cheryl Outram

Motivational Writer, Teacher & Speaker

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The Joys of Being a Family Man Sun, 08 Mar 2020 16:00:00 +0000 It is a humble privilege to be a husband to my lovely wife, Melissa and a father to my adorable children. The role of husband and father is by no […]

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It is a humble privilege to be a husband to my lovely wife, Melissa and a father to my adorable children. The role of husband and father is by no means a stroll in the park but it brings tremendous joy to fulfil the mandate that God has given to husbands in loving our wives and being a godly example to our offspring.

It Starts with Love

To function effectively as a husband and indeed a father, the motivation must be love. This is not the love based on feelings, but a committed decision to give of yourself, even when it goes against the grain of what is natural. Having a servant’s heart is essential to be a worthy husband and father. The demands of meeting everyday needs require that I think less about myself and give priority to the needs of my wife and children.

Setting Standards

Melissa and Oneal Moore
20th Wedding Anniversary

Three keys to my wife and I connecting well are compassion, authenticity and empathy.

  1. Compassion is accomplished through acceptance, which necessitates that we accept and care about each other’s thoughts, feelings and actions.
  2. Authenticity dictates not only that we are real with each other, but that we need to take responsibility for our actions and change what needs to be changed.
  3. Empathy is shown in our actions and attitudes. It simply involves putting our own selfish desires aside – understanding and sharing in each other’s feelings whenever those moments arise. 

Spending Quality Time

Presence equates to influence and as a father, spending quality time with my children is of far greater value than the tangible things that I can give them. The old maxim, “Do as I say not as I do,” in my opinion is no longer applicable, therefore, as the leader of my household, a great emphasis is placed on demonstrating the type of behaviours I want my children to emulate. So whether it is: attending church; taking holidays; going on local road trips or coming together to complete household chores, functioning in unison and having the necessary synergy is of top priority in our family.

Presence equates to influence: As a father, spending quality time with my children is of far greater value than the tangible things that I can give them.

Oneal Moore

Enjoying Every Moment

There are several moments and occasions as a husband and father I have enjoyed immensely. Travelling to Mexico with my wife, where we were married over twenty years ago, witnessing the birth of two of my children and seeing my children excel in their academic pursuits. These are some of the memorable times I have been blessed to experience as a husband and father.

A circle of love- The Moore Family

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It All Begins at Home Sun, 09 Feb 2020 20:58:31 +0000 For the men who would follow after dad later on in life, the bar has already been set. Don’t rob “her” of her royalty, her culture and her expectations. Now, what are we doing with our sons?

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There are some things which never fail to spread joy & hope when we see it. Recently, one of our committee members witnessed the loveliest of experiences: A father opening a car door for his teenage daughter. What an amazing thing to behold in real life :-).

Yes… I was that committee member.

Ever since being a part of the Family Fest interim team, we were challenged to be on the lookout for acts of kindness and to be prepared for interaction with others concerning such. So one day, as I was “killing” time waiting for my wife to finish work, I became a part of a curious captive audience of a brilliant work of art… A young daughter’s dad-hero was caught with his mask off and wielding a superpower. 

His attention was fixed only on her for he seemed preoccupied with this sole duty, an example he was setting for all men who would come after him. He was oblivious to the bustling activity around him in the public market car park. Where did he learn this? Was this passed on by way of family tradition or did he acquire it along the way?

Though it was none of my business, I was so impressed that I had to commend him. His reaction to my comment was all smiles — a cordial waving of the hand and a loud burst of his car’s horn as he drove off with his daughter sitting like the princess she was, in the back seat. 

Yes, even though he was performing this duty and setting a standard this young lady would grow accustomed to, he seemingly acknowledged that his actions could have a positive effect on those who were looking on. His “praises” were coming from more places than he could imagine. He was sowing seeds of legacy for others to carry on.

Where am I going with this? As mentioned in the title “It All Begins at Home,” this daughter was being treated like a lady by her hero, dad. A lasting standard and a positive impression that would stay with her forever.

For the men who would follow after dad later on in life, the bar has already been set. Don’t rob “her” of her royalty, her training and her expectations. Now, what are we doing with our sons?

Thank you for reading. What are your thoughts? We appreciate your comments.

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