Comments for Family Fest Barbados Help, Hope, Healing, Happiness to Families Sun, 19 Jun 2022 02:34:53 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on My Family by Terry Clarke Wed, 24 Jun 2020 18:24:47 +0000 Very encouraging and enlightening. It also speaks volumes to me as an advocate for family life. I am also encouraged by Kellyann’s transparency and vulnerability regarding her role and purpose as a woman, wife and mother. Awesome!!

Comment on My Family by Sandra Mon, 22 Jun 2020 22:32:26 +0000 Lovely story my sister in Christ, my friend. I am in total agreement as family is upmost important to me so I share your sentiments. I pray God’s continued blessings be upon you all. Most of all we know that God loves family.

Comment on My Family by Deborah Sun, 21 Jun 2020 14:29:39 +0000 This is truly an amazing life story!
God made the first Family…Father Son and Holy Spirit…the perfect example for all to follow.
God Bless you and your family KellyAnn as you determine to be perfect in him, the God of your heart!
Happy Father’s day Korey!

Comment on What Family Means to Me by Cheryl Outram Tue, 28 Apr 2020 14:36:58 +0000 Thanks for your comment Sharon. Great examples. You are correct, sometimes our church Family is more connected and offers a better platform for communication and cooperation than our biological family. Sometimes I wonder what skills are lacking in the biological family, any ideas? What causes the biological family to be reduced to relatives?

Comment on What Family Means to Me by Sharon Tue, 28 Apr 2020 11:47:14 +0000 Good morning. I like the distinction made between relatives and family and as I reflect deeply on this, the more I realise it to be true.

Too often the only connection that exists between relatives is their blood. On the other hand, family has a deeper intertwining connection such as being engaged in meaningful communication and spending quality time together. In many ‘blood’ families this does not exist and with the advent of social media, the gap has become even wider.

My mind then drifts to the church family; we are not blood related but we are very much together through the blood of Jesus Christ. We laugh, talk, joke around and share the problems of one another.

Comment on The Joys of Being a Family Man by FFBarbados Mon, 09 Mar 2020 13:47:33 +0000 In reply to Paul Ernest Gibson.

Hello, Paul!
Another testimonial of Oneal’s character – God’s leading man :-).

Thank you for your kind comments!

Comment on The Joys of Being a Family Man by FFBarbados Mon, 09 Mar 2020 13:42:23 +0000 In reply to Cornelius Bartlett.

Hi Cornelius!
You have gone to the root here. Out of a healthy relationship with God, should flow our natural assignment as men in every aspect of our lives.
Giving God glory for all you have accomplished is a testimony of your humility.

As you continue to mentor others through your example, you are participating in the highest mandate for the family-model in the earth. Strong societies are the result of strong families.

Thanks for your comment!

Comment on The Joys of Being a Family Man by Paul Ernest Gibson Mon, 09 Mar 2020 12:18:31 +0000 This Father figure is the genuine article. Continued strength to you my brother. To you and your beautiful family.

Comment on The Joys of Being a Family Man by Cornelius Bartlett Mon, 09 Mar 2020 09:38:37 +0000 🙏🏿]]> I totally agree with the statement that being a husband and father is a privilege! As a husband and father, I have always seen it this way! I would just expand by saying that your best you in your every sphere and roles will always come out of the quality of your personal relationship with God!

Personally, I have for the past 20 years as a believer, 18 of which were spent married, put God first! Second was family! Why is it important to put God first and family second?! Because this way the quality of husband and father you will be would be dictated by God! As a human being you cannot trust your egos or emotions, they constantly change, you can only trust God, the unchanging! As I look back over the past 18 years as a man of God, husband and father, I feel proud of the great things that were achieved in my family! I could not have done it without Him!

God has taught me how to be a husband and father! As a human being, I am not a perfect husband or father, but I am a good husband and father! All praise, credit and thanks goes to God who taught me, and is still teaching me!! 😊🙏🏿

Comment on The Joys of Being a Family Man by FFBarbados Mon, 09 Mar 2020 00:32:17 +0000 In reply to Tonya.

Thanks, Tonya. Coming from so close to “home” your words definitely support his integrity:-).
Your uncle is a treasure indeed – God’s man and a hero to his family.
Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts.
We appreciate you sharing this with your network.
