The post It All Begins at Home appeared first on Family Fest Barbados.
]]>There are some things which never fail to spread joy & hope when we see it. Recently, one of our committee members witnessed the loveliest of experiences: A father opening a car door for his teenage daughter. What an amazing thing to behold in real life :-).
Yes… I was that committee member.
Ever since being a part of the Family Fest interim team, we were challenged to be on the lookout for acts of kindness and to be prepared for interaction with others concerning such. So one day, as I was “killing” time waiting for my wife to finish work, I became a part of a curious captive audience of a brilliant work of art… A young daughter’s dad-hero was caught with his mask off and wielding a superpower.
His attention was fixed only on her for he seemed preoccupied with this sole duty, an example he was setting for all men who would come after him. He was oblivious to the bustling activity around him in the public market car park. Where did he learn this? Was this passed on by way of family tradition or did he acquire it along the way?
Though it was none of my business, I was so impressed that I had to commend him. His reaction to my comment was all smiles — a cordial waving of the hand and a loud burst of his car’s horn as he drove off with his daughter sitting like the princess she was, in the back seat.
Yes, even though he was performing this duty and setting a standard this young lady would grow accustomed to, he seemingly acknowledged that his actions could have a positive effect on those who were looking on. His “praises” were coming from more places than he could imagine. He was sowing seeds of legacy for others to carry on.
Where am I going with this? As mentioned in the title “It All Begins at Home,” this daughter was being treated like a lady by her hero, dad. A lasting standard and a positive impression that would stay with her forever.
For the men who would follow after dad later on in life, the bar has already been set. Don’t rob “her” of her royalty, her training and her expectations. Now, what are we doing with our sons?
Thank you for reading. What are your thoughts? We appreciate your comments.
The post It All Begins at Home appeared first on Family Fest Barbados.