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Family is a driving force behind who one becomes. What does that mean?

I grew up as an only child in a single-parent household for the first ten years of my life.  I always felt less fortunate as most of my school mates came from the nuclear family household and in my mind, this was what “family” meant. It was way back then I determined that one day, I too would have a “real” family.  First, I’ll get married and then have two kids of my own, as I understood the loneliness one sometimes felt as an only child.

But as the saying goes, “With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone,” ― Oscar Wilde.  Don’t misunderstand me, because we must follow God’s commands for the ideal family. That is to say, I now have my own family which consists of my loving husband and two adorable children. Even though I would never trade them for anything, wisdom has taught me that family goes much further than that.

My Husband

Korey Kellman

Let me start with my husband, the God-fearing head of my household, whom God has established to take care of this family. He is the one who reels me in when my thoughts are way off base and believe me, sometimes, my thoughts are way out there. He is my voice of reason. The one who counsels me. He provides a listening ear when I say my thoughts out loud. Sometimes, his input is needed as my thoughts and reasoning have the same end result from time to time. He provides a different perspective; the one that causes you to put your finger on your lip slightly touching your nose and go “oh yeah.” Family is the voice of reason.

My Children

The Kellman children
Keira & Kovian

Now, my two children are the ones who keep me on the straight and narrow. I want them to be the best individuals they can be, always putting God at the centre of it all. To do that, I have to live a life that sets a fine example. After all, I must practice what I preach, so that whenever I am about to step out of line, I remember the blessings of God and the responsibility given to me of raising my children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Family keeps you on the Straight and Narrow. 

Amidst the nuclear family, I have learnt over time that family extends way beyond this.

I believe that some people cross our paths to be part of our lives.  These are the friends that become family.  They come from all areas of life, may it be church folk, work colleagues or old school mates, but my connection with these individuals is beyond what anyone could ask for. They get you and you get them.  They are the persons outside my nuclear family – and just like with my husband and my children, I can share my exciting stories, my hurts and my dreams with them. They are the ones who laugh and cry with me and carry me on their backs when I need to be carried. They pray for me and are genuinely happy for all my achievements.  The ones I can call at any time of day and are never too busy. My personal cheer leading team.  “Family supports and cheers you on.”         

This brings me back to my statement on wisdom. Wisdom has taught me that way back then, like a child longing for the “ideal family”, God had already blessed me with a family circle. I always had the voices of reason. I always had those who kept me on the straight and narrow. I always had the support I needed, and a group that was always there to cheer me on.  

Monica Wharton - Kellyann's mother

I had my mom – God knows I love this strong resilient woman; a Sunday school teacher who made sure I got to church and back home safely, and my school teacher, who knew my history and pushed me to be greater than my last family generation.  

All of these amazing persons helped to shape the person I have become today simply because they had a vested, unconditional interest in me.  They are “My Family!”   

The post My Family appeared first on Family Fest Barbados.

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